
‘How Berkeley Works’ explores different cuts into how Berkeley works as a public university, in the public interest. In our time of spiraling crises, as we imagine a braver, more compassionate and just world emerging from the pandemic, from racial justice struggles, and from ongoing challenges of climate change and decolonization: how and in whose interests does UC Berkeley work?

Michael Burawoy, RIP

Michael Burawoy, RIP

Just when we thought the world could not become any bleaker, we have lost–suddenly, tragically, and violently–one of the people who made everyone feel alive and hopeful that the world can and must become a better place. Michael Burawoy was a fearless sociologist in...

Academic Freedom and Unfair Labor Practice Charges Against UC

Academic Freedom and Unfair Labor Practice Charges Against UC

We write to remind you of your rights as faculty that are protected under the State of California’s Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA). At a time when free speech, assembly activity, and academic freedom are being threatened across the UC system...

The Chancellor’s statements on encampment and divestment

The Chancellor’s statements on encampment and divestment

The Berkeley Faculty Association applauds Chancellor Christ and the Berkeley Divest Coalition around the Free Palestine Encampment for having concluded their negotiations despite intense external pressure from the UC Regents and the Office of the President. We believe...

BFA Statement on Encampments

BFA Statement on Encampments

We write to strongly condemn the violent repression of peaceful protests by students across the country, including, alarmingly, at our sister campus UCLA. Over 2,000 students, and many faculty, have now been arrested at encampments across the country, even though 99%...

Important Changes To Your Pension Plan 2024

Important Changes To Your Pension Plan 2024

Dear Colleagues, We write to inform you of changes to our pension plans. Sadly, at a time when our salaries stagnate or decline in real terms, and our health benefit costs have sky-rocketed, our pension plans are now also being revised without consultation from 1 July...

FA Support of BOARS Math Requirements Recommendation

FA Support of BOARS Math Requirements Recommendation

The Council of UC Faculty Associations, the statewide organization of faculty associations of which the Berkeley Faculty Association is a member, wrote to the UC Regents objecting to their ongoing interference in Senate faculty’s delegated authority, this time in the...

Objection to Regents’ Proposed New Website Policy

Objection to Regents’ Proposed New Website Policy

The Council of UC Faculty Associations, the statewide organization of faculty associations of which the Berkeley Faculty Association is a member, wrote to the UC Regents objecting to their proposed new website policy. Dear UC Regents, At its meeting on January 24, the...

Letter to Chancellor Christ on delayed merits and promotions

Letter to Chancellor Christ on delayed merits and promotions

Dear Chancellor Christ, We write to express our dismay at the continued serious delays to merit and promotion cases for Senate faculty and our lack of confidence in the office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. A decade ago, when the campus was dealing with a...

Berkeley Faculty Association on Academic Freedom and Palestine

Berkeley Faculty Association on Academic Freedom and Palestine

Photo credit: Anita Liu/The Daily Californian Dear colleagues,The Berkeley Faculty Association is deeply alarmed at the chilling climate that undermines the academic freedom of instructional faculty, and the free speech rights of the rest of our campus community, to...

Jan 10, 2022

Photo: Daniel Parks